Numerical and theoretical approaches for chemical analysis: modelisation and computational biology

Institut des Sciences Analytiques


  • Opening by Prof. J-M. LANCELIN, Institut des Sciences Analytiques
  • Computational Biology Applied to Cancer Research by Dr. E. PAPALEO, Computational Biology Laboratory at the Danish Cancer Society Research Center
  • Modeling the reactivity of DNA’s by Dr. E. DUMONT, Laboratoire de Chimie ENS Lyon
  • Towards computerized drug discovery by Dr. F. CHEVALIER, Acellera, Barcelona
  • Calcul intensif multiparallèle et GPU by Dr. E. QUEMENER Centre Blaise Pascal, ENS Lyon
  • Estimating Ligand/Protein and Protein/Protein Binding Free Energy and Kinetics by Prof. V. LIMONGELLI, Institute of Computational Science, Univ. of Lugano

Registration (free but required) by mail before June 6th: The lectures will start at 8:30 am, thank you to present yourself at the reception desk before.

animation/workshops/2017/cbp4isa2017.txt · Dernière modification: 2017/05/26 06:35 par equemene