Centre Blaise Pascal, ENS Lyon, France
1-3 October, 2014
Scientific organizing committee
Administrative coordination
Accretion and outflows are common processes in astrophysical objects on a wide range of physical scales. Those include young stellar and binary systems, active galactic nuclei, and more. Understanding these mechanisms is crucial as they fuel some of the Universe's most powerful events, providing excellent laboratories for very high energy physics, as well as regulating the life cycle of the stars and galaxies. Accretion and outflows are intimately linked on all scales through the complex interplay of gravity, hydrodynamics, magnetic fields and radiative transfer, the details of which are still being explored. Numerical experiments remain today the best approach to study these processes and test theoretical predictions when confronted to observations. The workshop aims to bring together people working on accretion and associated outflows in different astrophysical objects using advanced numerical and theoretical models, and to make the link with the most recent observations. The importance of large scale effects, microphysical processes, particle acceleration and coronal physics will be addressed. Astrophysical topics will also include gravitational collapse and star formation, accretion discs, X-ray binaries, microquasars, AGNs and jets.