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Administrative manager
Alexandra GUILLEMINOT - Centre Blaise Pascal
Courriel : atosim @
Office: M7 1H 19
Phone: +33 (0)4 72 72 85 40
Contact for:
Administrative and Financial queries
CBP Website
Organization of scientific events
Master Erasmus Mundus AtoSiM
Ralf EVERAERS - CBP/ENS de Lyon, Physics Laboratory UMR 5672
Director of the Centre Blaise Pascal
Director of the CFCAM-RA
Email: Ralf.Everaers @
Phone: (+33) 4 72 72 86 32
Research engineers
Emmanuel QUEMENER - CBP/ENS de Lyon
Email: Emmanuel.Quemener @
Personal web page
Phone: (+33) 4 72 72 86 33
Contact for:
Administration and access to resources
IT needs and drafting specifications
Support on scientific computing (software integration, porting codes, …)
Technology watch on innovative areas
Cerasela Iliana CALUGARU - CBP/PSMN/ENS de Lyon
Email: Cerasela.Iliana.Calugaru @
Phone: (+33) 4 72 72 86 31
Fax: (+33) 4 26 23 39 47
Contact for:
PDE discretization (FD, FE, FV methods)
Numerical Algorithms for solving nonlinear systems or linear systems
Numerical algorithms for inverse problems
Development, optimization and parallelization of computer codes
Offices occupancy
last updated: 29/01/2015