4th Les Houches School in computational physics: From quantum gases to strongly correlated systems

June 23 - July 4, 2014
Location: Les Houches, Rhone-Alpes, France
Website of the 4th Les Houches School in computational physics


  • Markus Holzmann (UPMC, Paris, UJF, Grenoble)
  • Tommaso Roscilde (ENS, Lyon)
  • Jean-Louis Barrat (UJF, Grenoble)

Technical support

  • Emmanuel Quéméner, CBP - ENS de Lyon

Administrative coordination

  • Flora Ghéno, Ecole de Physique des Houches
  • Samantha Barendson, CBP - ENS de Lyon
Application: In order to apply for this school, please fill the on-line application form
before the deadline, March 30, 2014

Registration fees (including meals and accommodation):

  • 400€ for students
  • 600€ for postdoctoral researchers


The quantitative description of degenerate and strongly correlated quantum many-body systems is the main subject of the 2014 school on computational physics. The courses will introduce the state-of-the- art approaches, e.g. quantum Monte Carlo, dynamical mean-field, and density matrix renormalization group methods. These courses will focus on the physics of ultracold atomic gases, which is particularly suited for a pedagogical introduction, as experiments directly realize fundamental models of quantum many-body theory and enable quantitative comparisons in correlation-dominated regimes. More recent developments and present trends at the interface with other condensed matter systems will be exposed in short lectures and seminars.

Evaluation form

Please complete our evaluation form.

animation/tutoriels/2014/houches.txt · Dernière modification: 2015/01/07 10:04 (modification externe)