May 12-16, 2014
Location: Centre Blaise Pascal, ENS Lyon, France
Website of ABINIT School
Administrative coordination
This ABINIT workshop provides the opportunity to learn and practice the basic and advanced features of the ABINIT package to young students and postdocs interested in the fields of vibrational spectroscopies, thermodynamics, thermal properties, non-linear dynamical properties, etc. The tutorial is opened to both beginner and advanced users. In the beginning several sessions are organized in parallel in order to introduce advanced students to the PAW approach while the basics of DFT (mandatory for the rest of the tutorial) are taught to beginners. The rest of the tutorial is common to all students and include the formal presentation of the different features of the code and related theoretical background in the morning and the practical use of these features in the afternoon. Also, the tutorial provides an opportunity for some long-term users of ABINIT to meet with the teachers and discuss their project, to get advice.