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New QM/MM opportunities for in silico macromolecular photochemistry

Location: Salle de réunion LR6 C 023, Centre Blaise Pascal, ENS-Lyon, France
February 28, 2012 to March 2, 2012

Organizing committee:

  • Antonio Monari ( University of Lorraine-Nancy, France)
  • Elise Dumont (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France)
  • Yohann Moreau (University Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France)
  • Nicolas Ferré ( University of Aix-Marseille, France)

Administrative coordination:

  • Samantha Barendson, CBP, ENS de Lyon, France (samantha.barendson @ ens-lyon.fr)

The workshop is supported by:
Réseau Français de Chimie Théorique
Région Rhône-Alpes
SCF Lorraine

1. Description

Sunlight is the predominant energy on Earth, and a key factor in photosynthesis. It is intimately related to life. The in-depth understanding of the nature of electronic excited states in biological or other complex systems is uncontestedly one of the key subjects in present days chemical and physical sciences.

Interaction between light and matter has indeed many important consequences in biological process or in advanced materials elaboration. From the comprehension of physiological process (for instance vision) to the development of phototherapeutic drugs, from the elaboration of molecular photoelectronic devices to the design of efficient solar cells.

In all these cases, the interplay of the molecular and macromolecular environment should be taken into account as precisely as possible to get a meaningful description and hence to allow for a predictive approach and molecular design.

New and more powerful techniques, both theoretical and experimental, have emerged. Hybrid QM/MM methodologies have proven to be capable to provide such a description to reproduce experimental data and to give them a deeper insight.

In our workshop, the state of the art of the different approaches will be presented, their limitation and the need of of development will be underlined, the interaction between theory and experience will especially be considered.

Together with cutting-edge scientific results, considerable amount of time will be devoted to discussion between the different participants.

Young researchers and students are particularly encouraged to participate and to present their results with poster or oral communications. The workshop scientific committee is formed by: U. Röthlisberger (EPF Lausanne), M. Olivucci (Univ. Siena and B.G.U Ohio), Ph. Sautet (ENS Lyon), and S. Ménage (CEA Grenoble).


Country Family name First name Institution
Austria Leticia Gonzalez (Universität Wien · Institut für Theoretische Chemie)
Belgium Thibaud Etienne (Fundp Namur)
Canada Greg Scholes (University of Toronto)
Denmark Kristian Sneskov (Aarhus University)
France Xavier Assfeld (Université de Lorraine, Nancy)
Marie-Christine Bacchus (LASIM)
Marie-Laure Bonnet (LCT Université Pierre et Marie curie)
Michel Caffarel (University Paul Sabatier)
Agisilaos Chantzis (Equipe de Chimie et Biochimie Théoriques (CBT) Institut Jean Barriol Université de Lorraine)
Chantal Daniel (Laboratoire de Chimie Quantique, Université de Strasbourg, France)
Gilles Frison (CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau)
Florian Goeltl (ENS Lyon)
Miquel Huix-Rotllant (Aix-Marseille Université)
Denis Jacquemin (CEISAM, Université de Nantes)
Hélène Jamet (Université Joseph Fourier)
Loïc Joubert Doriol (ICGM, UM2, Montpellier)
Bernard Levy (LCP, Universite Paris Sud )
Claire Loison (LASIM-UMR 5579 CNRS / UCBL)
Antoine ARION (Theoretical Chemistry and Biochemistry group - SRSMC - University of Lorraine - Nancy - CNRS)
Olivier Maury (Ecole Normale Superieure Lyon)
Guido Pintacuda (ENS Lyon)
Jean-Philip Piquemal (UPMC - Université Paris 6)
Philippe Sautet (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon)
Thibaut Very (Université de Lorraine)
Germany Christoph Allolio (Freie Universität Berlin)
Marcus Boeckmann (Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum)
Tatiana Domratcheva (MPI-Heidelberg)
Hossam Elgabarty (Freie Universitaet Berlin)
Abdul Rehaman Moughal Shahi (Max Planck Institute for Medical Research)
Anikó Udvarhelyi (Max Planck Institute for Medical Research)
Tobias Watermann (Freie Universität Berlin)
Italy Vincenzo Barone (Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa)
Emanuele Coccia (Università degli Studi dell''Aquila)
Marco Garavelli (Universita di Bologna)
Massimo Olivucci (Dipartimento di Chimica, Università di Siena, Italy Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Ohio State University, USA)
Nicola Zanna (Organic Chemistry Departement University of Bologna)
Norway Luca Frediani (Center for Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, University of Tromsoe, Norway)
Kenneth Ruud (Center for Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, University of Tromsoe, Norway)
Arnfinn Hykkerud Steindal (CTCC, University of Tromsø)
South Africa Isabelle Navizet (University of the Witwatersrand)
Switzerland Pablo Campomanes (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology EPF-Lausanne, Switzerland)
USA Anna Krylov (University Southern California)
Deyana Tchitchekova (Dept Chem, Univ Massachusetts)
animation/workshops/2012/qmmm.1355413891.txt.gz · Dernière modification: 2015/01/07 10:04 (modification externe)